Nigeria trip 17 days

Arrival at Murtala Mohamed airport and transfer to the hotel and meet the Tchet’Service Team and relax.

Day 2: LAGOS
Breakfast and visit the Central mosque, and meeting with one of the responsible to introduce us the Muslim religion in Nigeria, assist to prayer time small Lagos tour but verry short because Lagos is a huge large town, the most popular city in Nigeria, return in hotel diner and night in hotel BB. 

Visit the city of Abeokuta – a sample of Afro-Brazilian architecture. Many slaves, exported to South America for several centuries of colonization, returned to Abeokuta at the beginning of the 20th century and rebuilt an unusual city. Ascent to the Oluwo Rock, which has a view of the entire city and several mosques. These are tiny natural caves with holes on the floor where the Egba warriors were said to have hidden their wives and children during the inter-tribal or Yoruba civil wars. There are hole-dug on the floor which were said to have provided a device for grind pepper, tomatoes, onions and other ingredients during the war. There are also some shrines of Yoruba gods located just by the caves.Overnight at hotel in Abeokuta.BB

In the morning transfer to the city of Oyo – the residence of the most powerful King of Nigeria in the south of the country Alaafina (or Both in the Yoruba language) Oyo. Visiting the sacred sites associated with the fetishism of the Yoruba people, in particular, the sanctuaries of the ancient Orisha cult. The possibility of visiting Alaafin, if he will be in the city. Overnight at hotel in Oyo BB.

Morning transfer to the city of Ilorin. Visit to the mosque built in 1810 who is one of “The five Heritage Sites submitted are: Hubbaren Shehu in Sokoto State, Gobarau Minaret in Katsina, and Sheikh Alimi Mosque complex in Ilorin , and meet the Imam or one of the responsible in the mosque to exchange and talk about Islam. “The sites were selected based on their outstanding universal value as architectural masterpieces, archaeological and historical edifices.” The place served as one of the famous centres of Islam despite the 19th and 20th centuries period of missionary activities and colonialism in Africa. Visit the market where you can see representatives of the nationalities of the Camberi and Fulani, and the palace of Emir Ilorin we will going to arrange a rendez vous with the Emir of Iirin if possible. Overnight at hotel in Ilorin BB.

Visiting several Ilorin ghettos – Okelele, Djagun, Ita Adjia, in which Muslim artisans live. After lunch, transfer to Shao. Acquaintance with Ohoro (king) of Shao city. Visit to Ifa (predictor of the past and future). Many peoples of Nigeria believe that the human soul before entering into the body, knows about its destiny in the future life, but at the time of birth he forgets about it. Ifa is a priest who on the 8th birthday of the child helps the soul to remember her mission. Our Ifa uses the cowrion and shells in his work. An unforgettable meeting.

In the evening, participate in the colorful and mysterious ceremony of Egungun. The system of Yoruba religious cults is branched and complex. The purpose of our tour is to observe a visual picture, behind those dances that are performed by masks. According to the beliefs of the Yoruba, when dancing Egungun, then not people dance, but the spirits of the deceased ancestors. No one knows the faces of the dancers. In the past, if someone saw the face of the dancer, he was taken to the Holy Forest and immediately sacrificed to his ancestors. More about this ceremony can be read in the books of Chinua Achebe. Overnight at hotel in Ilorin. BB

Breafast and today exploring the handicraft arround the city and meet local people for some photos if they can accept. Visit the Dan Fodio tomb slated for World Islamic Heritage Sites and The statement said that Hubbaren Shehu, otherwise known as Sheikh Usman Danfodio House, represented an outstanding example of typical Sudan-Arab Islamic traditional architecture which remained unchanged for over 200 years. Overnight at hotel in Ilorin. BB

Breakfast and road transfer untill Kontagora. On the way we will stop in Jebba to visit the grave of Mongo Park the first European how travel explored the river Niger from Guinea to Nigeria. Night in Kontagora.

Tree days to explore a very preserved african village were we can see ancestral living tatou bodies. It is a wonderful landscape surround by mountain. Night in Tente.

Second day to visit other kamberry village and market. Night in Tente.

Today we will visit an other tatoo ethnic group. We will try to know the singn they draw on there body and ask for it’s mining. We continuou to Kontagora where we spend the nigth. 

Breakfast and road transfer to Zaria, transfer to the hotel, Transfer to the powerful emirate of northern Nigeria Zaria – Zazzau. The name was given to the city by a woman named Zazzau. Sharia law acts in the city most women wear burki and are very different from the Nigeria that we have seen to this day. City tour and local market, and visit City wall Zaria city wall perhaps remains the best preserved among the cities of northern Nigeria. The walls constructed during the reigns of Queen Amina circumnavigate the city and they are between 14 and 16km long and are pierced by 8 gates. Return to the hotel and relax. BB.

Day 13: ZARIA
Breakfast and visit the Emir’s Palace. Located opposite the central mosque, the palace is rich in cultural artifacts and unique architectural design. The palace’s interior is more functional and is populated by a large retinue including the dogara – brightly dressed palace guards and try. The possibility of meeting with the emir, if his majesty will be in the city. Meet also one of the responsible of the Central mosque and exchange with him about Muslim religions Overnight at hotel in Zaria. BB

Day 14: ZARIA – KANO                                                                                                                                Visit to several villages of the Hausa people in the vicinity of Zaria. Departure to Kano. Visit the ancient walls of Kano, the market and the museum, which has absorbed the best examples of Hausa art. Free time night in hotel. BB

Day 15: KANO
Today we will explore the mosque and try to meet the emir of Kano or some important in the muslim religion and get to the prayer time. Lunch and visit the handicraft and relax at the hotel. BB.

Day 16: KANO – ABUJA
Breakfast and drive to Abuja the politic capital of Nigeria, visit handicraft Return to the hotel and relax. BB.

Morning visiting the Makoko, the wold’s biggest floating city, visit some fisherman’s, Makoko get six different village on that floating town, lunch in the town and transfer to the airport and bye bye Africa!


Government : Federal repulic
Official language : english
Capital : Lagos
Area total : 923 768 km²
Time zone : UTC +1
Population : 190 632 261 hab.
Currency : Naira
Calling code : +234
Visa : required
Vaccines: yellow fever mandatory, diphtheria-tetanus-polio recommended