Dzanga Sangha Reserve Western Lowland Gorillas and other African forest fauna

Nature and culture tour to one of Africa’s less visited regions. We fly to Yaoundé, Cameroon’s capital and from there we drive to Sangha Tri-National Park. Situated in the north-western Congo Basin, where Cameroon, Central African Republic and Congo meet, the site encompasses three contiguous national parks totaling around 750,000 ha. Much of the site is unaffected by human activity and features a wide range of humid tropical forest ecosystems with rich flora and fauna, including Nile crocodiles and goliath tigerfish, a large predator. Forest clearings support herbaceous species and Sangha is home to considerable populations of forest elephants, critically endangered western lowland gorilla, and endangered chimpanzee. The site’s environment has preserved the continuation of ecological and evolutionary processes on a huge scale and great biodiversity, including many endangered animal species

We will focus this expedition in Dzanga Sangha Reserve in Central African Republic territory the best place to observe western lowland gorillas and forest elephants in the Dzanga Bai (clearing). The trip will be cultural enriched by making stops in several Bantu speaking communities and by spending a night with the Baka Pygmies, last forest hunter gatherers in Central Africa. 

Day 1: Europe – Yaoundé
Arrival in Yaoundé where an English or French-speaking guide will welcome you. Accommodation at catholique mission or similar.

Day 2: Yaoundé – Batouri (7h)                                                                                                              Breakfast and departure to Batouri, colonial mining town. Customers are required to bring food for the trip (nuts, biscuits, dried sausage/ham for example). Bread and bottled water will be bought in Yaoundé before departure. Changing countryside, pineapple plantations, patches of forest, colonial towns, and Bantu villages along the way. Accommodation: Batouri Hostel or tents in a Bantu village (it will depend on state of the road). BB.

Day 3: Batouri- Yokadouma (8h)
Breakfast and long drive to the far forested east. Stop in Bantu villages on the road. First meeting with Baka camps. The Baka are the original inhabitants of this part of Africa but since the XVIIIth Century they have suffered different invasions of Bantu speaking peoples that have summated them. German and French colonization did not change the status-quo and pygmy communities live on the verges of Cameroonian society. Despite their marginal condition they are a fascinating people worth meeting and understanding. The Baka are probably the last ‘real’ forest people who live in balance with mother nature. We picnic on route. Accommodation at the catholic mission of Yokadouma in tents or Hotel Elephant (simple). BB

Day 4: Yokadouma- C.A.R. border- Bayanga – Dzanga Sangha Reserve (7h)
Early breakfast and drive to the border. Cross the magnificent Sangha River by pirogue after the Visa formalities. Our objective is Bayanga, the last town before Dzanga Sangha Reserve. Stay at Doli Lodge, a really beautiful rustic accommodation made of local materials and an excellent view to the forested banks of the Sangha River. It has a modern toilet, and provides good services, cold drinks and food. Accommodation at Doli Lodge. HB (diner)

Day 5: Dzanga Sangha National Park
Early breakfast. Introduction to the Kingdom of western gorillas. Thanks to the help of the Baka guides, clients will be able to get close to a gorilla family that is habituated to human presence. In early 1990’s, a gorilla research station was placed next to the Bai Hokou clearing. Every day, observation teams study these animals at ever decreasing distances. It takes 2-hour drive by 4×4 from the Lodge to Bai Hokou and 1-2 hour walk (approx.) to meet the gorillas. In the afternoon, visitors will be searching a group of lively mangabeys- they can be up to 200 and even 300! It takes (approx.) an hour walk to find these primates. Accommodation at Doli Lodge. FB

Day 6: Dzanga Sangha National Park
Breakfast at the lodge in front of the Sangha River. It is an amazing experience to reach the Dzanga Bai (bai means clearing in Baka language) where you can often observe between 50 and 120  forest elephants that meet in this area to consume the mineral-rich soil, an unique opportunity to study their social behaviour. It takes 45 min drive plus 45 min by foot to arrive to Dzanga bai. Bongos, sitatungas, forest buffaloes and many bird species can also be observed in the Dzanga Bai. Accommodation at Doli Lodge. FB

Day 7: Dzanga Sangha National Park
Breakfast. Day to explore and visit a Bayanga village (wooden houses, fisherman’s lifestyle, drinking bars, little shops, etc). After this visit, return to the lodge and time for lunch. In the afternoon, time to relax or have a walk around. This day is also reserved in case an activity such as the visit to gorillas or mangabeys cannot be done on the allocated days due to external conditions. Accommodation at Doli Lodge. FB

Day 8: Bayanga – Lidjombo – Libongo – Yokadouma
After breakfast, departure from Sangha Lodge by pirogue or 4×4 (2h aprox). Cross the Sangha River by pirogue to reach Cameroon, and from Libongo village be driven by 4×4 to a Bantu village along the road to Yokadouma.. Accommodation in Elephant hotel. BB

Day 9: Yokadouma – Batouri
Breakfast and drive to Batouri. A few old colonial building remain in the town centre. Here we find Sangha Tri-National Park headquarters in Cameroon. In the evening we can take a drink in a local bar to feel the atmosphere. Accommodation at Hotel or in tents in the gardens of the Catholic Mission. BB

Day 10: Batouri – Bertoua Yaounde (8h aprox)
Breakfast. Drive to ‘civilization’. Depending on the state of the local roads we will sleep in. road to Yaoundé, the political capital of Cameroon accommodation in Hotel Merina. BB

Day 11: Yaoundé (6h)                                                                                                                                    Lunch in Yaoundé and last visits and shopping before transfer to airport.  


Countries crossed:


Government : Republic
Official languages : french and english
Capital : Yaoundé
Area total : 475 650 km²
Time zone : UTC +1
Population : 25 640 965 hab.
Currency : Central african franc (XAF)
Calling code : +237
Visa : required
Vaccines : yellow fever mandatory, diphtheria-tetanus-polio recommended

Central African Republic

Government : Republic
Official languages : french and english
Capital : Bangui
Area total : 622 984 km²
Time zone : UTC +1
Population : 5 166 510 hab.
Currency : Central african franc (XAF)
Calling code : +236
Visa : required
Vaccines : yellow fever mandatory, diphtheria-tetanus-polio recommended

Congo Brazzaville

Government : Republic
Official language : french
Capital : Brazzaville/Pointe-Noire
Area total : 342 000 km²
Time zone : UTC +1
Population : 5 125 821 hab.
Currency : Central african franc (XAF)
Calling code : +242
Visa : required
Vaccines : yellow fever mandatory, diphtheria-tetanus-polio recommended